Autism & Neurodiversity

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Podcast by Jason & Debbie Grygla

Autism & Neurodiversity

This weekly podcast is your go-to resource for real answers to parenting, working with or being neurodivergent. With the right information you will better understand neurodivergent brains, develop the skills to parent and mentor more confidently, and get better outcomes addressing neurodivergent challenges. Join Jason Grygla, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Director of TechieForLife, a specialized mentoring program for neurodivergent young adults and his wife, Debbie Grygla, Certified Life Coach, every Friday for relevant insights, discussions with leading experts, and supportive tools.

Latest episodes

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19 July 2024

Embracing Minimalism for Neurodivergent Well-being with Jason

Let's talk about clutter!

Anxiety, stress, and distractions plague our young people, especially our neurodivergent children, teens, and young adults.

Reducing life clutter and focusing on the principals of minimalism can help.

Learn the benefits of a minimalistic life approach and why it's a natural fit for our neurodivergent young people.

Gain strategies for how to go about it in a way that is supportive.

Want more in-depth support?


BELONG to a community a community "that gets it" practicing NDM Neuro-Developmental Mentoring™️, a neuro-science based, field-tested approach that works.

TO support your child, teen, or young adult, especially if they're autistic, neurodivergent, or struggling.

BECOME the parent they need (and you love being,) without all the frustration.

Join us in NDM Circle and start accessing community and events that support you.




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05 July 2024

Connecting with the Hard Ones with Debbie

We all would like to have meaningful connections with our children, teens, and young adults, and some of our young people are hard to connect with for various reasons. They require different approaches.

The quality of our relationships impact our loved one's development and well-being. Discover some strategies for creating meaningful connections and learn how to attune to their unique needs, even when they're hard.

➡️ Join me for my upcoming workshop: How to Connect When They Make It Hard, Wednesday, July 10th, 2024, 5:00 to 6:00 pm MDT or catch the replay. ✔️ Join our NDM Circle $97/month membership and private community to get access by visiting



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28 June 2024

Mastering Crisis Response with Jason

Parenting comes with challenges. If you're parenting neurodivergents like children, teens, and young adults who are autistic, ADHDers, or have learning differences, those challenges can quickly turn into regular crises.

In this episode, Jason discusses the personal and developmental aspects of responding to crises, contrasting it with professional crisis responders like EMTs and firefighters who manage to remain calm under pressure.

Crisis response is a skill built with experience, maturity, and perspective.

When you learn to regulate your emotional reactions and focusing on what you can control, you can maintain peace even in tumultuous situations.

Jason shares the three things that help us mitigate the impact of crises, so we can be more effective and composed in our responses.

➡️ Visit to get access to our 'Parenting to Mentor' mini-course replays and learn about our $97 per month NDM Circle membership and community for more support.

👉 Join us for our upcoming NDM Circle Workshop Live Stream: "How to Connect When They Make It Hard' on Wednesday, July 10th 4 pm PDT / 7 pm EDT. Visit here to subscribe:



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22 June 2024

Nurturing Independence with Debbie

Independence isn't an age (18) or destination, it's having the skills to self-govern, self-advocate, and get needs met in healthy ways.

Nurturing independence is important for toddlers to teens to twenty-somethings, and our autistic and neurodivergent young people often need more support.

Providing either too much or too little support can impede development and sometimes finding a good balance can be tricky.

On this episode of Autism & Neurodiversity I have some insights and practical tips to help you build your practice of nurturing independence so our young people can grow and develop.

➡️ Visit to get access to our 'Parenting to Mentor' mini-course replays and learn about our $97 per month membership and community for more support.



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25 May 2024

Narcissism & Autism with Jason

Autism is often confused with narcissism. Autistic traits are often misinterpreted as narcissistic. In this episode Jason delves into the complex relationship between autism and narcissism, highlighting the unique ways in which self-centeredness manifests in individuals on the autism spectrum.

By exploring the neurological differences that contribute to these behaviors, Jason sheds light on the challenges faced by both neurodivergent individuals and their loved ones. He emphasizes the importance of understanding these differences without judgment or expectations of traditional social norms.

You'll learn:

  • Why autistics are often called narcissistic.
  • Why misjudging them causes problems.
  • The nuances in understanding the neurological differences.
  • How to cope with narcissistic presenting traits.
  • How to support your autistic young person's development.

➡️ Visit to get access to our 'Parenting to Mentor' mini-course replays and join our monthly membership and community for more support.



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03 May 2024

Time Blindness and It's Complexities with Jason

The disabling effects of time blindness in neurodivergent individuals are often underestimated, overshadowed by more apparent symptoms. This common but often misunderstood trait in neurodivergent individuals, can have profound consequences on their daily lives and future prospects. Unlike mere forgetfulness or distraction, time blindness presents a unique challenge that affects how individuals with autism and ADHD navigate the world. By recognizing and addressing these cognitive hurdles, caregivers, educators, and therapists can offer tailored support and interventions to help neurodivergent individuals thrive.

You’ll learn:

  • Why time blindness is so much more than losing track of time.

  • What physiologically is creating cognitive hurdles.

  • The disabling impacts on functioning.

  • How caregivers, educators, and therapists can offer tailored support and interventions.

  • What gets in the way of good support.

Visit to get access to our 'Parenting to Mentor' mini-course replays.

